Monday 2 April 2012

done and dusted...let's move on...

In Semester 2 we had a task for our Photography in Context module which involved research about given topics, using a given resource, e.g e-resource, book, journal or web. The four resources and weekly topics always alternated and each of us had a different area to search for. Blogs submitted weekly on our joined site and presented during seminars in class. With only one exception, we always had areas to research and the task was to find artists who we think produced their work in that particular area.

Some of them were easier and others are more difficult, or just more time consuming(?), or I just wasn't in the mood(?), after all I think each topic and task had its own challenge...and all had something!

By now we should have 8 completed blogs, each relates to different context and, as much as we could, we should have used critical reflection. The term I never even heard before...but after a few blogs and explanation, I'm slowly getting grasp of it. Personally I also loved the challenge or writing. Thinking back of the not long ago times, when I wouldn't have been able to write even a letter in English, always gives me a strange feeling and just makes me smile. Oh, I'm still unsure of many things, commas and the rest but I can live with it for now. I'm really enjoying this, right now, and that I'm constantly pushed to write, think, read, and while I'm doing these I always imagine I can write, think and read. Funny!

Now, the next writing challenge ahead of me, right in my face actually, is an essay.  Again...between us...I can't actually write essays, but trust me I will do it somehow...even if it takes me a week or more!

One thing....quietly - referencing sucks!

Links to my 8 blogs:

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